Get to know Arkansas guard Chris Lykes

Arkansas guard Chris Lykes was one of the top players in the NCAA transfer portal when he announced plans to transfer to Fayetteville.

Lykes, 5-7, 157 pounds, narrowed his list to Arkansas and Southern Cal before selecting the Razorbacks on April 7. He was the No. 6 transfer available, according to Busting Brackets, and The Athletic listed him at No. 30.

Nickname: Lykeshow (Lykesdat)

High school: Gonzaga College High School

Height: 5-7

Weight: 157 pounds

Position: Point guard

Vertical: 44 inches

Eric Musselman is: Passionate about the game and I’ve yet to meet him face to face, but I can tell we share the same passion about basketball.

I am the player I am because: Of God. I understand my purpose and that’s to inspire people across the world to chase your dreams regardless of society’s limits.

Best basketball moment: Senior year winning all three championships from conference, state, and the Alhambra tournament.

Favorite NBA player: Kyrie Irving/Lebron James

Favorite NBA team: Lakers

Favorite workout music: Juice WRLD

Favorite movie: Transformers

Must-watch TV show: Game of Thrones

My mom is always on me to: Do well in school, and keep faith.

My two pet peeves are: Hypocrites and Jordans tied way too tight.

Favorite food: Fried Chicken/Grilled Cheese

I will never eat: Seafood beside shrimp.

Your favorite fast food chain and why: Chick-fil-A. It’s the best quality fast food you’ll get.

Favorite junk food: Brownies

My favorite sweet tooth craving is: Waffles

Who would you want to be stranded with on a deserted island: Jesus

My favorite animal and why: Wolf. That’s what I consider myself.

My hidden talent is: I make music.

My dream date would be: Walking through an area nobody’s ever been with her by my side.

Hobbies: Video games, movies, fishing, music, always updating the drip.

The one thing I could not live without is: Basketball

If you were a superhero, what powers would you have: Ability to focus on anything I wanted

Role model and why: My father. He paved the way for me to be who I am today and I’ll always owe him for that.

Three words to describe me: Persistent, passionate, omnipresent.

People would be surprised that: How I play and who I am off the court are similar, but different at the same time.

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