Fort Smith Police Department celebrates retirement of longtime captain after 29 years of service

Fort Smith, Ark. – Fort Smith Police Department celebrates the retirement of Captain Wendall Sampson after 29 years of dedicated service.

Captain Sampson, a trailblazer as the department’s only Black officer for many years, demonstrated exceptional leadership and perseverance throughout his career.

His journey, which began with his service in the Marine Corps from 1988 to 1992, included key roles in Patrol, Special Investigations, and Community Relations.

Beyond his professional duties, Captain Sampson played a vital role in documenting the history of Black officers at the FSPD and worked tirelessly to foster a culture of inclusion and opportunity within the department.

His commitment to breaking barriers paved the way for others, leaving an indelible impact on the future of law enforcement in Fort Smith.

The department expressed deep gratitude for his service and leadership, wishing him a well-earned retirement. Captain Sampson’s legacy will continue to inspire future generations of officers.

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