Ohio – Authorities in Ohio, have arrested a man in connection with the death of a child, who died after allegedly being subjected to multiple lce-baths and intense physical activity until he collapsed and died. Investigators say the denfendant reportedly forced the boy into prolonged exposure to frreezing water as part of a disciplinary routine that ultimately resulted in his death.
The 23-year-old man, Anthoni, was taken into custody last week, two days after the child’s, Jadacko, death. He has been charged with felony child endangerment, and authorities are considering additional charges as the investigation continues. During his initial court appearance, his bond was set at $500,000. He is currently being held in the county jail as prosecutors move forward with the case.
According to law enforcement, 12-year-old child was in the defendant’s care from approximately 5 a.m. to 2 p.m. on March 22. During this time, the 23-year-old man allegedly forced the child to take two separate “frezing baths,” each lasting around 45 minutes. These extreme coId water immersions were punctuated by intense physical activity, including push-ups and other exercises.
Authorities in Ohio say the man referred to these punishments as “coId plunges” and believed they were a necessary form of discipline. However, after enduring these conditions for an extended period, the victim began showing signs of distress. Witnesses reported that he was vomiting and suffering from seizures before ultimately losing consciousness.
At approximately 2:30 p.m., emergency responders were called to the residence. When paramedics arrived, they found the boy unresponsive and struggling to breathe. He was immediately transported to the Children’s Hospital, but despite resuscitation efforts, he was pronounced dead at 3:45 p.m.
Medical examiners later determined that the child’s core body temperature was only 72 degrees Fahrenheit at the time of his death—a dangerously low level indicative of severe hypothermia. This condition occurs when the body loses heat faster than it can generate, leading to organ failure and, in extreme cases, death.
When questioned by police, the defendant initially claimed that Taylor had simply collapsed after vomiting and hitting his head. He insisted that he had only been trying to discipline the boy and had no intention of causing harm. However, authorities in Ohio noted inconsistencies in his story, particularly regarding the prolonged exposure to ice-cold water.
A 911 call made from the home also raised concerns. In the call, a man—believed to be the defendant—frantically told dispatchers that the child had “busted his head” and was not responding. He also claimed the child had begun vomiting without warning.
The disturbing circumstances of the child’s death have sparked outrage in the Ohio community. Many have questioned how such extreme disciplinary measures were allowed to take place and have called for justice for the young victim.
The defendant remains in custody as prosecutors continue gathering evidence. His next court hearing has not yet been scheduled, but authorities have indicated that additional charges, including homicide-related offenses, may be filed depending on the results of the ongoing investigation.
As the case unfolds, officials emphasize the importance of recognizing and reporting child abuse before it escalates to deadly levels. The child’s tragic death serves as a grim reminder of the dangers of extreme punishments and the lasting impact they can have on vulnerable children.