Arkansas – With the 2024-25 Arkansas deer hunting season concluded, hunters who met the requirements for the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s Triple Trophy Award have until April 10 to submit their applications.
The award recognizes hunters who, within a single season, harvest at least one deer using a modern firearm, a muzzleloading firearm, and archery or crossbow tackle.
Those who qualify receive a patch and a certificate.
Deer taken with straight-walled rifles count toward the modern firearm portion of the award. However, only firearms loaded through the muzzle qualify for the muzzleloading category.
The AGFC expanded its Alternative Firearms Deer Season to include straight-walled rifles to give hunters unfamiliar with muzzleloaders or archery equipment more opportunities.
Still, the agency continues to honor hunters who challenge themselves with traditional muzzleloaders.
The Triple Trophy Program began in 1984 to encourage hunters to harvest does and improve herd balance.
Since hunters could legally take only two bucks, a third harvested deer had to be a doe, promoting a healthier population.