Josh Duggar released from jail after being charged with possessing child porn

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. — Josh Duggar was released from the Washington County Detention Center at 1:35 p.m. on Thursday, May 6, according to the Washington County Detention Center booking site.

Duggar was granted release in a Zoom detention hearing on Wednesday.

Duggar, 33, is charged in a two-count indictment alleging one count of receipt of child pornography and one count of possession of child pornography. Duggar has pleaded not guilty to both counts.

  • Home custody with GPS monitoring
  • Live with a third-party custodian
  • Restricted to the home at all times except for court obligations, church, etc. Additional locations must be pre-approved by the probation officer.
  • Report to the probation officer.
  • No possession or viewing erotica at any time
  • No possession of the internet and electronics. Not ask or obtain password(s) of the third-party custodian.
  • Contact allowed with his children as long as his wife is present.
  • Not possess control substances, no firearms, surrender passport, and not obtain one.
  • The residence must not have minor children.
  • If any conditions are violated an additional prison sentence of up to 10 years may be imposed.

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