The New Teacher Project, an education nonprofit that helps schools recruit and retain teachers, released its Moving Up report on Arkansas’ teacher landscape and found that adjusted for cost-of-living, Arkansas now has the highest starting teacher pay in the nation

Fort Smith, Ark. – According to the state officials, Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders signed the LEARNS Act last year which, among many other policy changes and teacher incentives, raised starting teacher pay from $36,000 a year to $50,000 a year and gave every teacher at least a $2,000 raise.

Previously, Arkansas was ranked 48th in the nation for starting teacher pay, and in many districts, there was not a single educator making more than $50,000 a year.

Governor Sanders reportedly said:

“Great education starts with great teachers.

I’m proud that LEARNS raised Arkansas’ starting teacher pay from 48th in the nation to 1st and is helping us recruit and retain the educators that allow our students to thrive.

LEARNS was the largest investment in our public schools ever and, as this report shows, is already tackling our teacher shortage and making Arkansas a national education leader.”

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