Study shows Arkansas seventh in the country for job resignations

Little Rock, Arkansas – According to a survey published on Wednesday, Arkansas ranks among the states with the highest rates of job resignation.

Arkansas is ranked seventh out of the 50 states and the District of Columbia by the consumer finance website WalletHub for job resignations. The number of employment resignations during the past month and over the past year were the two metrics that were examined in the study.

Arkansas was ranked due to its 3.23% annual resignation rate and recent 3% resignation rate.

According to the study’s authors, the countrywide wave of workers quitting their positions resembles what is being referred to as the “Great Resignation” in terms of resignation rates. The coronavirus epidemic, they claimed, had an impact on career paths as well as growing inflation.

South Carolina ranks next in the nation for resignations, after Louisiana. The state with the fewest resignations is Massachusetts, which is at the bottom of the list.

Labor experts highlight underlying causes for the Great Resignation. One factor was burnout brought on by an unpredictable workload, along with the chance the pandemic provided for people to find jobs paying more in other fields.

Arkansas’s Division of Workforce Services reported that the state’s unemployment rate for March was a record-low 3%. The previous record-breaking low was 3.1% in March–April 2022.

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