Increasing penalties for texting while driving in Arkansas

Arkansas – This week, the Arkansas State Police will push down on texting and driving.

The Arkansas State Police is attempting to inform drivers of the risks associated with using mobile phones while operating a motor vehicle through the “U Drive, U Text, U Pay” campaign.

“Troopers are paying special attention. They’re on the side of the roadways and driving. Looking for people who are texting and driving. Heads down, the phone is up in front of their face. Distracted texting and posting on social media platforms,” Major Jason Aaron, Arkansas Police Department, said.

According to the ASP, millennials are the worst offenders when it comes to texting and driving, accounting for 6% of teen car fatalities in 2020.

“It can cause an accident, it can cause a result of serious bodily injury to somebody else or themselves. Or cause of death to others or death to them,” Aaron said.

In 47 states around the nation, it is illegal to text and drive. According to the Arkansas State Police, parents have a responsibility to provide their children with a positive
technological and driving role model.

“If it’s mandatory that you reply to a text, pull over to the shoulder or a safe location and respond to that text or hand your phone to a passenger. Have that passenger do that texting for you. If it’s not mandatory, put your phone on do not disturb put your phone in the glove box, put it in the back floorboard, where you can resist that urge to text,” Aaron said.

One Arkansas driver expressed his thoughts on using the phone while driving.

“I say wait till they’re in a parking lot or whatever destination they are trying to go to. Maybe wait till later on when they’re at their house and actually able to respond to the messages without you know.. Putting other people in danger,” James Thomas said.

Starting on October 17 and running until October 23, this campaign. The consequences of texting while driving depend on the state and county laws.

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