

15 Best Eco-Friendly Gifts of 2020 (That Aren’t a Reusable Straw)

FORT SMITH, Ark - Whether you're a conscious consumer yourself or are looking for the perfect gift for your environmentally-friendly friend or family member,...

River Valley city, health leader provide COVID-19 update

FORT SMITH, Ark. — Fort Smith Mayor George McGill, along with other city and health leaders, gave the River Valley a COVID-19 update. McGill wanted...

How small start-ups deal with GDPR

Every company operating within the EU has a legal obligation to comply with General Data Protection (GDPR) laws. This applies to large corporations as...

Taking greenhouse gas analysis on the road, er, rails

FORT SMITH, Ark - Research-grade air quality sensors are costly--around $40,000. For cities trying to monitor their greenhouse gas emissions, the cost may limit...

Fort Smith officers to staff Crisis Intervention Center

FORT SMITH, Ark - "It'll open up more resources for our detectives to have, and also make us more accessible to the victims," said...

Small-Business Aid Could Get Here Before Christmas

FORT SMITH, Ark - Lawmakers on Wednesday made encouraging progress in the race toward approving a fresh round of coronavirus relief ahead of a...

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